Development/Fundraising Update
With the preliminary work on the new hurling wall well under way, we are also well under way with the fundraising for this phase of the project. We sincerely thank all of those who have donated to date and thanks also to our team of members who have worked hard over the past number of weeks organising these donations. We will continue to work on this over the next number of weeks and hopefully the target for this phase of the project will be reached shortly.
Our Brochure, inserted below, provides all the information on the Development Plan and the planned phases for the different projects. It outlines the predicted cost and the proposed funding for each phase and gives a breakdown of how the Tax exemption scheme works. You can also get an idea of how the jigsaw puzzle due to be mounted in the Complex will look!!
Further information on this phase of the project/fundraising can be had from Liam Heffernan, Mary Jo O’Reilly or Anne Kennedy.
Please Support Our Community Development Funding Plan (3)
There was no winner of tonight’s lotto jackpot. The numbers drawn this week were 5, 18, 19 & 22.
The ten supplementary draw entrants are:
1. Michael Cormack
2. John Minogue
3. James Cullen
4. Enda Sheedy
5. Marian Carroll
6. David Ryan
7. Lenny Gaynor
8. Linda Ryan
9. Paddy Murphy
10. Cyril Bailey
Next week’s lotto Jackpot is €5,000
We thank you for continuing to support our lotto and ask those that have not yet signed up or who may have cancelled their auto renew during the recent suspension of the lotto to please sign up today – the link to join is on the home page of the Club Website.

Membership for 2021 is now due and with a new deadline date of May 31st we are asking that our players and supporters please pay their membership over the coming weeks.
Foireann is the new GAA registration system and while membership should still be paid through Clubforce or to any Committee member, members must set up their own registration on
Please follow the steps below to complete this registration process:
1. Go to If you have previously used the Returntoplay system from last year, your existing username and password will work. If you have not used Returntoplay, you can register a new profile.
2. You will then be sent an email by Foireann to the email address you used to register your account. Click the link in this email to verify your account.
3. This link will bring you back to Foireann where you fill in the remaining details to your account.
This must be completed by all our members ASAP but in particular by our players who will not be covered for Injury support unless they have completed this.
Follow the link below for an instructional video on how to sign up.
With the return to training for both juveniles and adults hopefully starting next week, it is important that all players, both juvenile and adult, look after the payment of their membership immediately.
We extend our sympathies to the family of Ollie Sherlock who passed away last week. Ollie’s son David captained our Junior C hurlers who won the North title in 2010 and his late son Michael also played both juvenile hurling and football with the club. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
St Conlon’s Presentation
The Nenagh Éire Óg Healthy Club walking group recently did the Jerusalema challenge as part of their fundraiser for St Conlon’s Nursing Home in Nenagh. The group raised €2,673 for this great cause and the cheque was presented recently in the grounds of St Conlons. Well done to all concerned.

Presentation to Elaine Flynn, Director of Nursing at St Conlon’s Nursing Home from the Nenagh Éire Óg Healthy Club Walking Group. Also in photo is Hugh McGrath, Chairman of St Conlon’s Fundraising Committee and walkers Catherine Kennedy, Martina Cahill, Anne Kennedy and Fiona Kenneally
Club Development
We have all heard about the proposed club developments over the past few years. We are now embarking on a hugely exciting journey within the clubs history as we convert the proposed developments into reality for our members particularly our juvenile groups who are the future of our great club.
Behind the scenes club committees have worked tirelessly to progress this development journey for the club. Developments include the new hurling wall with Astro turf, new floodlit grass pitch, dressing rooms, 2.5km walking track, etc. As can be seen in the photo below work has begun on Phase 1 which is the Hurling wall and Astro pitch, these new facilities will be a significant step forward in the provision of quality facilities for our future stars. Full brochure of the extended project & Phases is attached above for your information, please have a read through the information brochure to inform yourself about the wider vision for our club.

All support is very much appreciated and it will assist in ensuring our children have the best facilities available to them for years to come. There will be huge amount of grant’s available for later phases and when complete we will have a facility as good as any club in the country. Similar to other clubs that have taken on such a large development, the first phase is to look for donations from our members and supporters. As the club is a registered charity it can claim back €666 for every €1000 donated by PAYE workers. Donations in excess of €250 will qualify for this tax rebate and will also see your family name placed on a Club Development Jigsaw which will be featured in the new NEO grounds upon completion of the project. All donations big or small will go a long way to achieve this fabulous development.
The overall development will cost circa €1.3m. There is huge positivity in the club that we, together, can achieve all we have set out in the planned roadmap for our club. Achieving our vision for the club will require massive support from everyone connected with the club and all groups are being asked to support as much as possible. By now you will have been contacted by a representative from the juvenile club regarding donating to this significant project for our club. The response has been hugely positive from everyone contacted so far and the club wishes to thank sincerely all the families who have pledged donations to date, you are now part of one of the most significant milestones in our great clubs history. Bank details for donations and tax rebate forms are available from any of the fundraising group – see the brochure attached for their details. Please let your fundraising representative know when you have completed the bank transfer of your donation and also ensure your signed original tax rebate form is returned to your representative in order to maximise the impact of your donation to the club on this momentous journey. Anyone considering donating please do so and touch base with your fundraising representative if you have any questions. Please reference you full name in your donation bank transfer so we may issue you with a club receipt. Your support is greatly appreciated, Ní neart go cur le chéile.
We are delighted that our club lotto is back up and running a few weeks now and with restrictions still in place we are asking our juvenile families and supporters to make every effort to play our lotto online. It costs just €2 per week to play safely online and there are different payment plans available. If your not in, you cant win!
Please choose the ‘auto-renew’ option and also help family members who may not have an online presence to join. The link to join is available on the clubs web page so please sign up now and you will be included in the next draw.
The lotto has always been one of our main fundraisers and with our current club developments it is of vital importance to us now that everyone continues to row in behind our lotto and we continue to increase the online subscriptions to our club lotto. All social media shares of lotto updates are appreciated and its wonderful to see family and friends from far and wide coming through in the weekly winners. Ní neart go cur le chéile.
All families are asked to complete registration with as soon as possible if you haven’t done so already. Details of how to complete this process have been shared via the various juvenile WhatsApp groups. Your co operation in getting these registrations complete as soon as possible is greatly appreciated.
The membership deadline was extended and families now have the option to pay membership at the next training session which is looking like next week – Hurray! Membership must be paid to ensure that your child is covered by insurance. Paying membership at training is the preferred option for the juvenile club as the money goes directly into the juvenile arm of the club to pay the costs of running the juvenile club. For covid reasons we ask that membership money be put into an envelope, family details written thereon and handed to the lead coach at the training session.
Return To Play
The Juvenile Committee has decided that in the interest of the safety of our younger members, there will not be a Return to Play this week for our juvenile groups. We can only imagine the enormous workload on principals, teachers and the HSE here in town but we truly appreciate their efforts on behalf of our entire community.
The whole summer is ahead for our kids and NEOg will pull out every stop to make sure that it’s an extra special and safe one for them.
We will publicise an update at the end of the week and look forward to welcoming you all back very soon. Stay safe. Nenagh Ábu!
Please encourage the boys to practice when they can over the next few weeks. There are a huge number of boys nationally that struggled for motivation in all sports over the past few months and we are very conscious of this and will be very mindful of the boys. We hope every available boy will return and hope to gain extra boys as well.
It’s a very exciting time for the club with huge developments taking place in the field at present. When the boys return to training they will see all the work going on for the hurling wall and astroturf which is anticipated will be completed by the end of June. Remember to transfer your donations and let your funding representative know you have done so for tracking purposes.
Garda Vetting
Reminder to get your Garda vetting up to date please. You cannot be involved as a coach or mentor in a any juvenile coaching set up without your GAA Garda vetting being up to date so please apply asap
Plans for Return to play
The Camogie Committee have decided to again postpone the Return to Play for camogie teams until Monday May 10th due to the current outbreak of Covid in the Nenagh area. We feel it is in the best interest of the health of our players, coaches and the wider Éire Óg family. Thank you for your understanding, Nenagh Camogie Committee.
Membership is now due and can be paid at the following link: Go to Membership, choose Nenagh Camogie, choose your Membership option.
Development Update
The preliminary work on the first phase of the redevelopment of MacDonagh Park started over the past number of weeks. This work, involving the clearing away of the bank at the town end of the field and the seating around the inside pitch, is now well under way and this will pave the way for the building of the new Hurling Wall and Astroturf pitch. The completion date for this part of the project will hopefully be June/July.
Similar to other clubs that have taken on such a large development, this first phase will be funded by donations from our members and supporters where donors can avail of the Tax Exemption scheme. Details of this scheme and the planned Jigsaw/Mural to be erected in the Complex are available on our development brochure which is on the Club Website.
This phase of the fundraising is being driven by a team of club members who are contacting people associated with the club and community to seek donations.
The response to date has been phenomenal and we are well on the way to achieving our phase one target – we sincerely thank all the people who have made this possible by making and pledging donations over the last number of weeks. This drive will continue over the coming weeks and anyone considering donating please contact your fundraising representative if you have any questions. You can also contact Liam Heffernan, Mary-Jo O’Reilly or Anne Kennedy if you would like further information on this phase of the development/fundraising. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Our Brochure, inserted below, provides all the information on the Development Plan and the planned phases for the different projects. It outlines the predicted cost and the proposed funding for each phase and gives a breakdown of how the Tax exemption scheme works. You can also get an idea of how the jigsaw puzzle due to be mounted in the Complex will look!!
Please Support Our Community Development Funding Plan (3)
There was no winner of tonight’s lotto jackpot. The numbers drawn this week were 6, 16, 23 & 24.
The ten supplementary draw entrants are:
1. Mel Gleeson
2. Dylan Hackett
3. Sean Geaney
4. Liam Burke
5. Cathal Farrell
6. Pat Quigley
7. John Darcy
8. Joe Mulqueen
9. Brian McDonnell
10. Eamon Spilllane
Next week’s lotto Jackpot is €4,900
We thank you for continuing to support our lotto and ask those that have not yet signed up or who may have cancelled their auto renew during the recent suspension of the lotto to please sign up today – the link to join is on the home page of the Club Website.

Membership for 2021 is now due and with a new deadline date of May 31st we are asking that our players and supporters please pay their membership over the coming weeks.
Foireann is the new GAA registration system and while membership should still be paid through Clubforce or to any Committee member, members must set up their own registration on
Please follow the steps below to complete this registration process:
1. Go to If you have previously used the Returntoplay system from last year, your existing username and password will work. If you have not used Returntoplay, you can register a new profile.
2. You will then be sent an email by Foireann to the email address you used to register your account. Click the link in this email to verify your account.
3. This link will bring you back to Foireann where you fill in the remaining details to your account.
This must be completed by all our members ASAP but in particular by our players who will not be covered for Injury support unless they have completed this.
Follow the link below for an instructional video on how to sign up.
With the return to training hopefully starting for both juveniles and adults in the coming weeks, it is important that all players, both juvenile and adult, look after the payment of their membership immediately.
Tipperary Draw
The Tipperary Draw returned last week with the 6th draw taking place on Friday night last. The club had two winners with Helen & John Spillane winning €500 and Donie & Ciaran O’Brien winning €200 in the confined draw. Congrats to all. The next draw takes place on May 14th and our promoters will be collecting any outstanding money over the coming months.

Club Development
We have all heard about the proposed club developments over the past few years. We are now embarking on a hugely exciting journey within the clubs history as we convert the proposed developments into reality for our members particularly our juvenile groups who are the future of our great club.
Behind the scenes club committees have worked tirelessly to progress this development journey for the club. Developments include the new hurling wall with Astro turf, new floodlit grass pitch, dressing rooms, 2.5km walking track, etc. As can be seen in the photo below work has begun on Phase 1 which is the Hurling wall and Astro pitch, these new facilities will be a significant step forward in the provision of quality facilities for our future stars. Full brochure of the extended project & Phases is attached above for your information, please have a read through the information brochure to inform yourself about the wider vision for our club.

All support is very much appreciated and it will assist in ensuring our children have the best facilities available to them for years to come. There will be huge amount of grant’s available for later phases and when complete we will have a facility as good as any club in the country. Similar to other clubs that have taken on such a large development, the first phase is to look for donations from our members and supporters. As the club is a registered charity it can claim back €666 for every €1000 donated by PAYE workers. Donations in excess of €250 will qualify for this tax rebate and will also see your family name placed on a Club Development Jigsaw which will be featured in the new NEO grounds upon completion of the project. All donations big or small will go a long way to achieve this fabulous development.
The overall development will cost circa €1.3m. There is huge positivity in the club that we, together, can achieve all we have set out in the planned roadmap for our club. Achieving our vision for the club will require massive support from everyone connected with the club and all groups are being asked to support as much as possible. By now you will have been contacted by a representative from the juvenile club regarding donating to this significant project for our club. The response has been hugely positive from everyone contacted so far and the club wishes to thank sincerely all the families who have pledged donations to date, you are now part of one of the most significant milestones in our great clubs history. Bank details for donations and tax rebate forms are available from any of the fundraising group – see the brochure attached for their details. Please let your fundraising representative know when you have completed the bank transfer of your donation and also ensure your signed original tax rebate form is returned to your representative in order to maximise the impact of your donation to the club on this momentous journey. Anyone considering donating please do so and touch base with your fundraising representative if you have any questions. Please reference you full name in your donation bank transfer so we may issue you with a club receipt. Your support is greatly appreciated, Ní neart go cur le chéile.
We are delighted that our club lotto is back up and running a few weeks now and with restrictions still in place we are asking our juvenile families and supporters to make every effort to play our lotto online. It costs just €2 per week to play safely online and there are different payment plans available. If your not in, you cant win!
Please choose the ‘auto-renew’ option and also help family members who may not have an online presence to join. The link to join is available on the clubs web page so please sign up now and you will be included in the next draw.
The lotto has always been one of our main fundraisers and with our current club developments it is of vital importance to us now that everyone continues to row in behind our lotto and we continue to increase the online subscriptions to our club lotto. All social media shares of lotto updates are appreciated and its wonderful to see family and friends from far and wide coming through in the weekly winners. Ní neart go cur le chéile.
All families are asked to complete registration with as soon as possible if you haven’t done so already. Details of how to complete this process have been shared via the various juvenile WhatsApp groups. Your co operation in getting these registrations complete as soon as possible is greatly appreciated.
The membership deadline was extended and families now have the option to pay membership at the next training session which is looking like next week – Hurray! Membership must be paid to ensure that your child is covered by insurance. Paying membership at training is the preferred option for the juvenile club as the money goes directly into the juvenile arm of the club to pay the costs of running the juvenile club. For covid reasons we ask that membership money be put into an envelope, family details written thereon and handed to the lead coach at the training session.
Return To Play
While we are all very much looking forward to returning to training we will have to hold on for a little longer given the situation around the increased presence of Covid in the locality. The situation will be reviewed weekly and updates will issue via the various WhatsApp groups. Training slots – days and times have been issued, just the start date next to be confirmed.
Please encourage the boys to practice when they can over the next few weeks. There are a huge number of boys nationally that struggled for motivation in all sports over the past few months and we are very conscious of this and will be very mindful of the boys. We hope every available boy will return and hope to gain extra boys as well.
It’s a very exciting time for the club with huge developments taking place in the field at present. When the boys return to training they will see all the work going on for the hurling wall and astroturf which is anticipated will be completed by the end of June. Remember to transfer your donations and let your funding representative know you have done so for tracking purposes.
Garda Vetting
Reminder to get your Garda vetting up to date please. You cannot be involved as a coach or mentor in a any juvenile coaching set up without your GAA Garda vetting being up to date so please apply asap
The Camogie Committee have decided to postpone the Return to Play for all camogie teams until Monday May 3rd at the earliest due to the current outbreak of Covid in the Nenagh area. Following a meeting of club management, Nenagh Éire Óg club as a whole will close for the week ahead, including and especially the complex and hurling alley. We regret having to take this action so close to the return, but we feel it is in the best interest of the health of our players, coaches and the wider Éire Óg family. Thank you for your understanding, Nenagh Camogie Committee.
Development Update
The preliminary work on the first phase of the redevelopment of MacDonagh Park began in the past week. This work, involving the clearing away of the bank at the town end of the field and the seating around the inside pitch, is now well under way and this will pave the way for the building of the new Hurling Wall and Astroturf pitch. We are hopeful for a completion date of June/July for this part of the project.
Similar to other clubs that have taken on such a large development, this first phase will be funded by donations from our members and supporters where donors can avail of the Tax Exemption scheme. Details of this scheme and the planned Jigsaw/Mural to be erected in the Complex are available on our development brochure below.
This phase of the fundraising is being driven by a team of club members who are contacting people associated with the club and community to seek donations.
The response to date has been terrific and we sincerely thank all the people who have pledged donations. This drive will continue over the coming weeks and anyone considering donating please contact your fundraising representative if you have any questions. You can also contact Liam Heffernan, Mary-Jo O’Reilly or Anne Kennedy if you would like further information on this phase of the development/fundraising. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Our Brochure, inserted below, provides all the information on the Development Plan and the planned phases for the different projects. It outlines the predicted cost and the proposed funding for each phase and gives a breakdown of how the Tax exemption scheme works. You can also get an idea of how the jigsaw puzzle due to be mounted in the Complex will look!!
Please Support Our Community Development Funding Plan (3)
There was no winner of tonight’s lotto jackpot. The numbers drawn this week were 6, 7, 13 & 32.
The ten supplementary draw entrants are:
1. John Darcy, Ballywilliam
2. Michelle Madden
3. Conor McCarthy
4. Diarmuid, Liam & Ray Gavin
5. Kieran Mullarkey
6. Brendan Long
7. Aishling Kennedy
8. Mary Maher, Kilkenny
9. Linda Ryan
10. Nuala Lillis
Next week’s lotto Jackpot is €4,800.
We thank you for continuing to support our lotto and ask those that have not yet signed up or who may have cancelled their auto renew during the recent suspension of the lotto to please sign up today – the link to join is on the home page of the Club Website.

Membership for 2021 is now due and with a new deadline date of May 31st we are asking that our players and supporters please pay their membership over the coming weeks.
Foireann is the new GAA registration system and while membership should still be paid through Clubforce or to any Committee member, members must set up their own registration on
Please follow the steps below to complete this registration process:
1. Go to If you have previously used the Returntoplay system from last year, your existing username and password will work. If you have not used Returntoplay, you can register a new profile.
2. You will then be sent an email by Foireann to the email address you used to register your account. Click the link in this email to verify your account.
3. This link will bring you back to Foireann where you fill in the remaining details to your account.
This must be completed by all our members ASAP but in particular by our players who will not be covered for Injury support unless they have completed this.
Follow the link below for an instructional video on how to sign up.
With the return to training starting for juveniles at the end of April and hopefully all other groups in May, it is important that all players, both juvenile and adult, look after the paying of their membership in the coming weeks.
We extend our sympathy to Eddie and the O’Donnell family on the passing of Michael O’Donnell last week.
Ar dheis De go raibh a anam.
Club Development
We have all heard about the proposed club developments over the past few years. We are now embarking on a hugely exciting journey within the clubs history as we convert the proposed developments into reality for our members particularly our juvenile groups who are the future of our great club.
Behind the scenes club committees have worked tirelessly to progress this development journey for the club. Developments include the new hurling wall with Astro turf, new floodlit grass pitch, dressing rooms, 2.5km walking track, etc.
As can be seen in the photos work has begun on Phase 1 which is the Hurling wall and Astro pitch, these new facilities will be a significant step forward in the provision of quality facilities for our future stars. Full brochure of the extended project & Phases is attached above for your information, please have a read through the information brochure to inform yourself about the wider vision for our club.

All support is very much appreciated and it will assist in ensuring our children have the best facilities available to them for years to come. There will be huge amount of grant’s available for later phases and when complete we will have a facility as good as any club in the country.
Similar to other clubs that have taken on such a large development, the first phase is to look for donations from our members and supporters. As the club is a registered charity it can claim back €666 for every €1000 donated by PAYE workers. Donations in excess of €250 will qualify for this tax rebate and will also see your family name placed on a Club Development Jigsaw which will be mounted in the clubhouse. All donations big or small will go a long way to achieve this fabulous development.
The overall development will cost circa €1.3m. There is huge positivity in the club that we, together, can achieve all we have set out in the planned roadmap for our club. Achieving our vision for the club will require massive support from everyone connected with the club and all groups are being asked to support as much as possible. By now you will have been contacted by a representative from the juvenile club regarding donating to this significant project for our club. The response has been hugely positive from everyone contacted so far and the club wishes to thank sincerely all the families who have pledged donations to date, you are now part of one of the most significant milestones in our great clubs history. Bank details for donations and tax rebate forms are available from any of the fundraising group – see the brochure attached for their details. Please let your fundraising representative know when you have completed the bank transfer of your donation and also ensure your signed original tax rebate form is returned to your representative in order to maximise the impact of your donation to the club on this momentous journey. Anyone considering donating please do so and touch base with your fundraising representative if you have any questions. Your support is greatly appreciated, Ní neart go cur le chéile.
Drone footage below of the preliminary work in MacDonagh Park
We are delighted that our club lotto is back up and running a few weeks now and with restrictions still in place we are asking our juvenile families and supporters to make every effort to play our lotto online. It costs just €2 per week to play safely online and there are different payment plans available. If your not in, you cant win!
Please choose the ‘auto-renew’ option and also help family members who may not have an online presence to join. The link to join is available on the clubs web page so please sign up now and you will be included in the next draw.
The lotto has always been one of our main fundraisers and with our current club developments it is of vital importance to us now that everyone continues to row in behind our lotto and we continue to increase the online subscriptions to our club lotto. All social media shares of lotto updates are appreciated and its wonderful to see family and friends from far and wide coming through in the weekly winners. Ní neart go cur le chéile.
All families are asked to complete registration with as soon as possible if you haven’t done so already. Details of how to complete this process have been shared via the various juvenile WhatsApp groups. Your co operation in getting these registrations complete as soon as possible is greatly appreciated.
The membership deadline was extended and families now have the option to pay membership at the next training session which is looking like next week – Hurray! Membership must be paid to ensure that your child is covered by insurance. Paying membership at training is the preferred option for the juvenile club as the money goes directly into the juvenile arm of the club to pay the costs of running the juvenile club. For Covid reasons we ask that membership money be put into an envelope, family details written thereon and handed to the lead coach at the training session.
Return To Play
All our juveniles are very much looking forward to returning to training which is looking increasingly like next week – Yippie!. We will let everyone know what days we are training once it is organised with the field committee.
Please encourage the boys to practice when they can over the next few weeks. There are a huge number of boys nationally that struggled for motivation in all sports over the past few months and we are very conscious of this and will be very mindful of the boys. We hope every available boy will return and hope to gain extra boys as well.
It’s a very exciting time for the club with huge developments taking place in the field at present. When the boys return to training they will see all the work going on for the hurling wall and astroturf which is anticipated will be completed by the end of June. Remember to transfer your donations and let your funding representative know you have done so for tracking purposes.
Garda Vetting
Reminder to get your Garda vetting up to date please. You cannot be involved as a coach or mentor in any juvenile coaching set up without your GAA Garda vetting being up to date so please apply asap
As we welcome the recent government announcements which will allow the return to play for underages from the 26th of April, we are putting plans in place to welcome all our underage teams back to our pitches.
In order to prepare for this we would like to remind you that membership is due and for insurance purposes all players need to be registered members. Membership can can be paid at the following link: Go to Membership, choose *Nenagh Tipperary Camogie* , choose your Membership option.
We hope to bring the U6s back a couple of weeks after the U8s and upwards return first.
COVID Officers
As we prepare to Return to Play we will require a number of COVID Officers for each team. Please let your Manager/mentor know of you are interested in supporting your child’s team by performing this role.
There was no winner of tonight’s lotto jackpot. The numbers drawn this week were 18, 27, 28 & 32.
The ten supplementary draw entrants are:
1. Cyril Bailey
2. Mick Burns
3. Hugh Maloney
4. Mary Ryan
5. James Cullen
6. Eileen Jones
7. Sarah Dervan
8. Niall Cahill
9. Matt Lillis
10. Bernie Hennessy
Next week’s lotto Jackpot is €4,700.
We thank you for continuing to support our lotto and ask those that have not yet signed up or who may have cancelled their auto renew during the recent suspension of the lotto to please sign up today – the link to join is on the home page of the Club Website.

Supporting Nenagh Eire Og’s Development
The planned development of MacDonagh Park has been well highlighted over the past number of weeks and months and we are delighted to be in a position now to get the ball rolling on the first phase of this which will be to raise the funds to construct the new Hurling Wall with an AstroTurf pitch.
This phase will be funded by donations where donors can avail of the Tax Exemption scheme and over the next number of weeks members from all areas of the club will be driving this fundraising and seeking donations for this exciting project.
We are hopeful that the work on the Hurling Wall will start once the current restrictions are lifted with a completion date of June/July. We have been very fortunate over the years with the support we have received from all people associated with the club and community and we are now asking once again that you please get behind us and help us get this exciting project off the ground.
Your support as ever is greatly appreciated.
If anyone wants further information on this phase of development/fundraising please contact Liam Heffernan, Mary Jo O’Reilly or Anne Kennedy.
Our Brochure, inserted below, provides all the information on the Development Plan and the planned phases for the different projects. It outlines the predicted cost and the proposed funding for each phase and gives a breakdown of how the Tax exemption scheme works. You can also get an idea of how the jigsaw puzzle due to be mounted in the Complex will look!!
Please Support Our Community Development Funding Plan (3)
Membership for 2021 is now due and while the deadline was extended we are still asking that all our players and supporters please pay their membership now.
Foireann is the new GAA registration system and while membership should still be paid through Clubforce or to any Committee member, members must set up their own registration on
Please follow the steps below to complete this registration process:
1. Go to If you have previously used the Returntoplay system from last year, your existing username and password will work. If you have not used Returntoplay, you can register a new profile.
2. You will then be sent an email by Foireann to the email address you used to register your account. Click the link in this email to verify your account.
3. This link will bring you back to Foireann where you fill in the remaining details to your account.
This must be completed by all our members ASAP but in particular by our players who will not be covered for Injury support unless they have completed this.
Follow the link below for an instructional video on how to sign up.
With the return to training starting for juveniles at the end of April and hopefully all other groups in May, it is important that all players, both juvenile and adult, look after the paying of their membership in the coming weeks.
We extend our sympathies to the family of Shane Middleton who passed away last week. Shane, who grew up across the road from MacDonagh Park, played juvenile hurling and football with the club and continued to support the club down through the years.
We also extend our sympathy to the family of Joe Starr who passed away last week. Joe’s shop in Mitchell St in the town was well known as the place to get your club and county colours over the years.
Ar dheis De go raibh a n-anamacha.
Club Development
We have all heard about the proposed club developments over the past few years. We are now embarking on a hugely exciting journey within the club as we convert the proposed developments into reality for our members particularly our juvenile groups who are the future of our great club.
Behind the scenes club committees have worked tirelessly to progress this development journey for the club. Developments include the new hurling wall with Astro turf, new floodlit grass pitch, dressing rooms, 2.5km walking track, etc. Full brochure is attached above for your information, please have a read through the information brochure to inform yourself about the plans. The overall development will cost circa €1.3m. There is huge positivity in the club that we, together, can achieve all we have set out in the planned roadmap for our club. Achieving our road map for the club will require massive support from everyone connected to the club and all groups are being asked to support as much as possible.
The first phase, being the development of the hurling wall, has commenced and hoped to be completed by June. This will be a significant step forward for NEO juvenile club and will benefit for our boys greatly at their young age. Over the coming days/weeks nominees from the juvenile arm of the fundraising group will be in touch with all juvenile families seeking your support in realising this vision for the future of our great club. Your support is very much appreciated and it will assist in ensuring our children have the best facilities available to them for years to come. There will be huge amount of grant’s available for later phases and when complete we will have a facility as good as any club in the country.
Similar to other clubs that have taken on such a large development, the first phase is to look for donations from our members and supporters. As the club is a registered charity it can claim back €666 for every €1000 donated by PAYE workers. Donations in excess of €250 will qualify for this tax rebate and will also see your family name placed on a Club Development Jigsaw which will be mounted in the clubhouse. All donations big or small will go a long way to achieve this fabulous development. Your support is greatly appreciated, Ní neart go cur le chéile.
Images of the new Hurling Wall below.

We are delighted that our club lotto is back up and running a few weeks now and with restrictions still in place we are asking our juvenile families and supporters to make every effort to play our lotto online. It costs just €2 per week to play safely online and there are different payment plans available. If you’re not in, you cant win!
Please choose the ‘auto-renew’ option and also help family members who may not have an online presence to join. The link to join is available on the clubs web page so please sign up now and you will be included in the next draw.
The lotto has always been one of our main fundraisers and with our upcoming club developments it is of vital importance to us now that everyone continues to row in behind our lotto and we continue to increase the online subscriptions to our club lotto. Ní neart go cur le chéile.
Club membership is now due and can be paid either via Clubforce or to any committee member. All families are asked to complete registration with as soon as possible if you haven’t done so already. Details of how to complete this process have been shared via the various juvenile WhatsApp groups. Your co operation in getting these registrations complete as soon as possible is greatly appreciated.
Return To Play
We are all very much looking forward to returning to training in the next few weeks. We will let everyone know what days we are training once it is organised with the field committee.
Please encourage the boys to practice when they can over the next few weeks. There are a huge number of boys nationally that struggled for motivation in all sports over the past few months and we are very conscious of this and will be very mindful of the boys. We hope every available boy will return and hope to gain extra boys as well.
It’s a very exciting time for the club with huge developments taking place in the field at present. When the boys return to training they will see all the work going on for the hurling wall and astroturf which is anticipated will be completed by the end of June.
Garda Vetting
Reminder to get your Garda vetting up to date please. You cannot be involved as a coach or mentor in a any juvenile coaching set up without your GAA Garda vetting being up to date so please apply asap
As we welcome the recent government announcements which will allow the return to play for underages from the 26th of April, we are putting plans in place to welcome all our underage teams back to our pitches.
In order to prepare for this we would like to remind you that membership is due and for insurance purposes all players need to be registered members. Membership can can be paid at the following link: Go to Membership, choose *Nenagh Tipperary Camogie* , choose your Membership option.
We hope to bring the U6s back a couple of weeks after the U8s and upwards return first.
COVID Officers
As we prepare to Return to Play we will require a number of COVID Officers for each team. Please let your Manager/mentor know of you are interested in supporting your child’s team by performing this role.
There was no winner of the Lotto Jackpot on Tuesday 6th April. The numbers drawn were 1, 3, 12 & 22.
The ten supplementary draw entrants are:
1. Aidan Ryan
2. Ger Crotty
3. Ann Kennedy (Tullaheady)
4. Pamela Ryan
5. Christopher Ryan
6. Noreen Flynn
7. Anthony Whyte
8. Joe Ryan (Dromineer)
9. Darren Hogan
10. Michelle Ryan
Next week’s lotto Jackpot is €4,600. We thank you for continuing to support our lotto and ask those that have not yet signed up or who may have cancelled their auto renew during the recent suspension of the lotto to please sign up today – the link to join is on the home page of the Club Website.

Membership for 2021 is now due and while the deadline has been extended past the 31st March we are asking that all our players and supporters please pay their membership now.
Foireann is the new GAA registration system and while membership should still be paid through Clubforce or to any Committee member, members must set up their own registration on Please follow the steps below to complete this registration process:
1. Go to If you have previously used the Returntoplay system from last year, your existing username and password will work. If you have not used Returntoplay, you can register a new profile.
2. You will then be sent an email by Foireann to the email address you used to register your account. Click the link in this email to verify your account.
3. This link will bring you back to Foireann where you fill in the remaining details to your account.
This must be completed by all our members ASAP but in particular by our players who will not be covered for Injury support unless they have completed this.
Follow the link below for an instructional video on how to sign up.
We extend our sympathies to the family of Michael Nagle who passed away last week. Michael was a lifelong supporter of Nenagh Eire Og who, with his family, attended Club games regularly over the years. The Nagle family have been involved in all aspects of the Club, his son Jim is a former Chairman of the senior club while his other son Noel has been involved in coaching with the camogie club. His grandchildren also played both hurling and camogie with the club. To his wife Peggy, sons Jim and Noel, daughter Marie and the extended Nagle family we offer our sincere sympathies. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
Irish Life Healthy Club Donation
In recognition of our role in the GAA’s Community Response to Covid 19, we recently received a grant through the GAA’s Healthy Club Project in association with Irish Life and we acknowledge with thanks receipt of this. In the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic the club’s role as a community support system came to the fore, helping people when they needed it the most. The Healthy Club Project is supported by Healthy Ireland, the HSE, the National Office for Suicide Prevention and Irish Life. The award-winning project aims to transform clubs into hubs for health in their communities and Nenagh Eire Og are delighted to be part of this project.

Easter Draw
Following a great response to our Easter Draw last week, we are delighted to announce that the winner of the €100 voucher for JKC Toymaster is Kevin Flynn. A large number signed up to be part of our mailing list and we will keep you all up to date on the progress of the developments in MacDonagh Park over the coming months.
We are delighted that our club lotto is back up and running. With restrictions still in place, we are asking our juvenile families and supporters to make every effort to play our lotto online. It costs just €2 per week to play safely online and there are different payment plans available. If you’re not in, you can’t win!
Please choose the ‘auto-renew’ option and also help family members who may not have an online presence to join. The link to join is available on the clubs web page so please sign up now and you will be included in the next draw.
The lotto has always been one of our main fundraisers and with work on the first phase of the proposed developments in MacDonagh Park due to begin over the coming weeks it is of vital importance to us now that everyone continues to row in behind our lotto and we continue to increase the online subscriptions to our club lotto.
Ní neart go cur le chéile.
Club membership is now due and can be paid either via Clubforce or to any committee member. All families are asked to complete registration with as soon as possible and details of how to complete this process have been shared via the various juvenile WhatsApp groups. Your co operation in getting these registrations complete is greatly appreciated.
As we welcome the recent government announcements which will allow the return to play for underages from the 26th of April, we are putting plans in place to welcome all our underage teams back to our pitches.
In order to prepare for this we would like to remind you that membership is due and for insurance purposes all players need to be registered members. Membership can can be paid at the following link:
➡️ Membership
➡️ Nenagh Camogie
➡️ Membership option
We hope to bring the U6s back a couple of weeks after the U8s and upwards return first.
COVID Officers
As we prepare to Return to Play we will require a number of COVID Officers for each team. Please let your Manager/mentor know of you are interested in supporting your childs team by performing this role.
Tipperary Sports Partnership TikTok Challenge
Tipperary Sports Partnership have launched a new challenge with help from Tipperary native and Dancing with stars contestant Dayl Cronin.
The challenge will be a dance routine and by participating there is a chance for prizes to be won by Tipperary based schools, sports clubs and youth groups (see attached).
The challenge dance video was launched last Friday the 26th March and entries can be submitted up until the 30th April 2021.
The challenge can be completed by anyone in any format and participants can chose to follow the video or put their own style to it. The challenge can be completed in small groups if desired but we ask that when completing the challenge that participants are adhering to Covid 19 and social distancing guidelines.
The main aim of the challenge is for participants to have a bit of fun, maybe learn a few new dance moves and to spread a positive message around Tipperary.
If you have any questions or require more information please follow Tipperary Sports Partnership social media where they will be releasing more info over the coming days or visit our website

There was no winner of the Lotto Jackpot on Monday 29th March. The numbers drawn were 3, 8, 13 & 19.
The ten supplementary draw entrants are:
1. Conor O’Donovan
2. Oliver Ryan
3. Aidan Healy
4. Paul Lillis
5. Michelle Long
6. Aisling Madden
7. Maria Grace
8. Maurice Leamy
9. Sorcha Nagle
10. Michael O’Meara Jnr
Next week’s lotto Jackpot is €4,500. We thank you for continuing to support our lotto and ask those that have not yet signed up or who may have cancelled their auto renew during the recent suspension of the lotto to please sign up today – the link to join is on the home page of the Club Website.

Membership for 2021 is now due and while the deadline has been extended past the 31st March we are asking that all our players and supporters please pay their membership now.
Foireann is the new GAA registration system and while membership should still be paid through Clubforce or to any Committee member, members must set up their own registration on Please follow the steps below to complete this registration process:
1. Go to If you have previously used the Returntoplay system from last year, your existing username and password will work. If you have not used Returntoplay, you can register a new profile.
2. You will then be sent an email by Foireann to the email address you used to register your account. Click the link in this email to verify your account.
3. This link will bring you back to Foireann where you fill in the remaining details to your account.
This must be completed by all our members ASAP but in particular by our players who will not be covered for Injury support unless they have completed this.
Follow the link below for an instructional video on how to sign up.
We extend our sympathy to the family of Connie Clear who passed away last Thursday. Connie played both hurling and football with Nenagh in the 50s and 60s and was goalie on the team of 1964 that claimed the North senior title. Connie was also a noted footballer and played in goals for Tipperary in the 1960s, an achievement he was very proud of. But it was on thee handball court where Connie truly excelled – he dominated the handball scene in North Tipperary from the late 50s to the early 70s – in a fourteen year period he was only beaten twice. He won a total of thirteen Munster medals in minor, junior and senior grades and also has four All-Ireland titles, two of which were in the senior grade. Connie was honoured in recent years by being inducted into the Tipperary Handball Hall of Fame – a great honour for himself and his family. To his wife Margaret, sons Robert, Michael and Con, daughter Geraldine and the extended Clear family we offer our sincere sympathies. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.

The late Connie Clear (centre) pictured above with his brother Tommy and Connie O’Meara.
Easter Draw
These are ‘egg-citing’ (couldn’t resist it) times at Nenagh Éire Óg!! Our development plans are ready to roll and we would like to keep you all up to date. Join our mailing list by clicking on the link below and entering your email address. You will also be in the hat for a €100 voucher from JKC Toymaster! Please SHARE to our out-of-town and country supporters. We would love them to join us on the journey.
Congratulations to Brian Maxwell and Freda Hickey who were married last Friday. Brian is currently manager of our Junior B squad. We wish Brian and Freda every happiness for the future.
We are delighted that our club lotto is back up and running. With restrictions still in place, we are asking our juvenile families and supporters to make every effort to play our lotto online. It costs just €2 per week to play safely online and there are different payment plans available. If you’re not in, you can’t win!
Please choose the ‘auto-renew’ option and also help family members who may not have an online presence to join. The link to join is available on the clubs web page so please sign up now and you will be included in the next draw.
The lotto has always been one of our main fundraisers and with work on the first phase of the proposed developments in MacDonagh Park due to begin over the coming weeks it is of vital importance to us now that everyone continues to row in behind our lotto and we continue to increase the online subscriptions to our club lotto.
Ní neart go cur le chéile.
Club membership is now due and can be paid either via Clubforce or to any committee member. All families are asked to complete registration with before 31st March 2021 and details of how to complete this process have been shared via the various juvenile WhatsApp groups. Your co operation in getting these registrations complete before 31st March 2021 is greatly appreciated.
Membership rates for 2021 as below:
Preparing for the year ahead
Seventeen members of the Camogie Club took part in the online Safeguarding course hosted by the Camogie Association this week. Well done to all who volunteered and thanks to Jackie Hayes, Club Secretary for organising it.
Check out the Nenagh Éire Óg Camogie Club new Instagram page and be in with a chance to win €50.

Tipp Tik Tok Challenge
Tipperary Sports Partnership have launched a new challenge with help from Tipperary native and Dancing with stars contestant Dayl Cronin.
The challenge will be a dance routine and by participating there is a chance for prizes to be won by Tipperary based schools, sports clubs and youth groups (see attached).
The challenge dance video was launched last Friday the 26th March and entries can be submitted up until the 30th April 2021.
The challenge can be completed by anyone in any format and participants can chose to follow the video or put their own style to it. The challenge can be completed in small groups if desired but we ask that when completing the challenge that participants are adhering to Covid 19 and social distancing guidelines.
The main aim of the challenge is for participants to have a bit of fun, maybe learn a few new dance moves and to spread a positive message around Tipperary.
If you have any questions or require more information please follow Tipperary Sports Partnership social media where they will be releasing more info over the coming days or visit our website

There was no winner of this the Lotto Jackpot on Monday 22nd March. The numbers drawn were 2, 8, 17 & 23. The ten supplementary draw entrants are:
1. Conor O’Donovan
2. Tom O’Connor
3. John Darcy, Ballywilliam
4. Matt Lillis
5. Caitriona Fahy
6. Conor Ryan
7. Sheena Parker
8. Margaret McLoughlin
9. Sorcha Nagle
10. Adam Hackett
Next week’s lotto Jackpot is €4,400. We thank you for continuing to support our lotto and ask those that have not yet signed up or who may have cancelled their auto renew during the recent suspension of the lotto to please sign up today – the link to join is on the home page of the Club Website.

Lotto Donation
The next €500 donation, as part of our Community Friendly Lotto, will be given to our Frontline Healthcare workers. This donation will be coordinated by the Friends of Nenagh Hospital whereby a raffle will take place among all local frontline staff with five vouchers worth €100 each from local businesses being presented to the five lucky winners. This will take place in week 10 of the current lotto cycle and we will announce where the vouchers will be for over the coming weeks.
Development Update
We are delighted to announce that the preliminary work on our new Hurling Wall is due to begin this week (weather permitting) – this is the first phase of the upcoming development of MacDonagh Park. The Hurling Wall will be situated at the far end of the complex, adjacent to the existing outside pitch and the initial work will involve the removal of the bank at the town end of the field and the levelling off of this area. It’s fantastic to see the work commencing on this exciting project which will also include the development of a new floodlit training pitch, new dressing rooms, a 2.5km walking track with lighting and the refurbishment of the existing complex. All these works will be completed over the next number of years and will see MacDonagh Park transformed from what it is today.
To bring these ambitious plans to fruition, the Club will be hoping to avail of significant grant aid and will also make use of the Tax Exemption Scheme but tied in with all of this a major fundraising drive will also be required. A new Community Based Fundraising Committee has been set up and this committee will be responsible for setting up and driving fundraising plans over the coming months and years. These plans will begin in the next couple of weeks but in the meantime we are asking that people continue to support our weekly lotto draw which will also be a huge benefit to our project.
An Image of our new Hurling Wall

Membership for 2021 is now due and must be paid by 31st March. We are asking all our players and supporters to please pay their membership now. Foireann is the new GAA registration system and while membership should still be paid through Clubforce or to any Committee member, members must set up their own registration on Please follow the steps below to complete this registration process:
1. Go to If you have previously used the Returntoplay system from last year, your existing username and password will work. If you have not used Returntoplay, you can register a new profile.
2. You will then be sent an email by Foireann to the email address you used to register your account. Click the link in this email to verify your account.
3. This link will bring you back to Foireann where you fill in the remaining details to your account.
This must be completed by all our members before the 31st March but in particular by our players who will not be covered for Injury support unless they complete this.
Follow the link below for an instructional video on how to sign up.
Deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Oisin Williams and to the Kilruane MacDonagh Club on Oisin’s recent passing. Ar Dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
We are delighted that our club lotto is back up and running. With restrictions still in place, we are asking our juvenile families and supporters to make every effort to play our lotto online. It costs just €2 per week to play safely online and there are different payment plans available. If you’re not in, you can’t win!
Please choose the ‘auto-renew’ option and also help family members who may not have an online presence to join. The link to join is available on the clubs web page so please sign up now and you will be included in the next draw.
The lotto has always been one of our main fundraisers and with work on the first phase of the proposed developments in MacDonagh Park, the building of the new Hurling Wall, due to begin in the coming days it is of vital importance to us now that everyone continues to row in behind our lotto and we continue to increase the online subscriptions to our club lotto. Ní neart go cur le chéile.
Club membership is now due and can be paid either via Clubforce or to any committee member. All families are asked to complete registration with before 31st March 2021 and details of how to complete this process have been shared via the various juvenile WhatsApp groups. Your co operation in getting these registrations complete before 31st March 2021 is greatly appreciated.
Membership rates for 2021 as below:

Sincere condolences to our juvenile player Eoin, committee member Áine and the Garrigan family on the sad passing of John Garrigan, Rathnaleen.
Something exciting from GAA Handball for the month of April. While there is a handball focus, this program has plenty that is common to all GAA codes. There are some very interesting talks & high profile GAA stars involved who will be sharing their knowledge and insights. Handball develops sharp hand eye coordination and compliments other GAA codes. Juvenile GAA players of all codes will benefit from this program.
Starting on April 5th, this program will be a month-long online series of talks, workouts, cooking demonstrations and competitions. Check out the series by going to the following link:-…/exciting-new-juvenile-expo
There was no winner of tonight’s lotto jackpot which was worth €4,200. The four numbers drawn were 3, 7. 19 and 23. The ten supplementary draw entrants are:
1. Breda Conroy
2. Grainne Harrington
3. Matt Lillis
4. Mattie Ryan Coole
5. Hannah Jane Clancy
6. Sarah Dervan
7. Jack Nolan
8. Gerard O’Gorman Snr
9. Shane Middleton
10. Ann Kennedy, Tullaheady
Next week’s lotto jackpot is worth €4,300. Thanks to everyone for their continued support of the lotto. If you have not yet joined our lotto please do so now by clicking the link on the homepage of the website.

Lotto Donation
We are delighted to announce that as part of our Community Friendly lotto, the next €500 donation will be given to our Frontline Healthcare workers. This will be co-ordinated by the Friends of Nenagh Hospital and a raffle will take place among all local frontline staff with five vouchers worth €100 each from local businesses being presented to the five lucky winners. This will take place in week 10 of the current lotto cycle and we will announce over the coming weeks where the vouchers will be for.
Membership for 2021 is now due and must be paid by 31st March. We are asking all our players and supporters to please pay their membership now. Foireann is the new GAA registration system and while membership should still be paid through Clubforce or to any Committee member, members must set up their own registration on Please follow the steps below to complete this registration process:
1. Go to If you have previously used the Returntoplay system from last year, your existing username and password will work. If you have not used Returntoplay, you can register a new profile.
2. You will then be sent an email by Foireann to the email address you used to register your account. Click the link in this email to verify your account.
3. This link will bring you back to Foireann where you fill in the remaining details to your account.
This must be completed by all our members before the 31st March but in particular by our players who will not be covered for Injury support unless they complete this.
Follow the link below for an instructional video on how to sign up.
North Board Convention
Well done to Mike Ryan who was re-elected to the North Board CCC at last Friday’s adjourned Convention.
Nenagh Live
Following from the very successful Nenagh Live series which was broadcast on Facebook in the lead up to Christmas, a new series is now being broadcast to coincide with St Patricks Day. This will air at 8pm on the 15th and 16th of March with two episodes then following on St Patrick’s Day – at 12pm and 8pm. Club chairman John Tooher will feature on the St Patrick’s day episode where he will outline the exciting new developments that will be taking place in MacDonagh Park over the coming years. So tune into Facebook or Youtube on Wed at 8pm to hear John talk us through this ambitious project – well worth a watch!
To celebrate all the wonderful Mothers to our fabulous juvenile club members & for the weekend that was in it, children were given the opportunity to win a nice surprise for their mothers. Congratulations to the following children who won chocolates for their mothers on Mother’s Day
Ben McCormack
Matthew Peters
Cian Ryan
Bill Crotty
Conor Hodgins
Filip McIntire
Enjoy folks & we hope you had a wonderful Mothers Day.
Pictures below show Conor Hodgins presenting the chocolates he won to his mother Elaine and Cian Ryan presenting to his mother Eileen. Well done boys!

We are asking our juvenile families and supporters to make every effort to play our lotto online. It costs just €2 per week to play safely online and there are different payment plans available. If your not in, you cant win!
Please choose the ‘auto-renew’ option and also help family members who may not have an online presence to join. The link to join is available on the clubs web page so please sign up now and you will be included in the next available draw. The lotto has always been one of our main fundraisers and with our upcoming club developments including a new hurling wall and new field it is of vital importance to us now that everyone continues to row in behind our lotto and we increase the online subscription to our club lotto. Ní neart go cur le chéile.
Club membership is now due and can be paid either via Clubforce or to any committee member. All families are asked to complete registration with before 31st March 2021 and details of how to complete this process have been shared via the various juvenile WhatsApp groups. Your co operation in getting these registrations complete before 31st March 2021 is greatly appreciated.
Our lotto resumed tonight with the jackpot at €4,100. The numbers drawn were 2, 18, 23 and 31.
There was no winner of the Jackpot and the ten entrants drawn for the supplementary draw are as follows:
1. James Smyth
2. Brian McDonnell
3. Caroline Mounsey
4. Niall Murphy
5. Anne O’Gorman
6. Michelle O’Gorman
7. O’Brien Family, Sloe Lane
8. Linda Ryan
9. Oliver Ryan
10.Phil Hennessy
Next week’s Jackpot is €4,200 and the draw will take place on Monday next 15th March.
We are asking our members and supporters to make every effort to play our lotto online while restrictions are still in place. It costs just €2 per week to play safely online and there are different payment plans available. Please choose the ‘auto-renew’ option and also help family members who may not have an online presence to join. The link to join is on the club website – The lotto continues to be one of our main fundraisers and as we are applying for grants etc for our upcoming developments, we need to prove that our existing fundraising is adequate in the current Covid climate to be considered for these grants. For this reason it is of vital importance to us now that everyone continues to row in behind our lotto as we try to increase the online subscription to this important fundraiser.

A reminder to all our players, mentors and supporters that membership for 2021 is now due and can be paid online via the link above. This can also be paid by contacting Club Registrar Enda Long at 087 2213954 or any Club Officer. Membership rates remain the same for 2021 with Full membership at €50 and €30 for Student/OAP/Unemployed. Juvenile membership is also €30 and Family options are available.
The GAA have introduced a new club registration system “Foireann” which is now online. While membership monies are, for now, still paid through Clubforce or to any committee member, members must also set up their own registration on Foireann as outlined below:
1. Go to If you have previously used the Returntoplay system from last year, your existing username and password will work. If you have not used Returntoplay, you can register a new profile.
2. You will then be sent an email by Foireann to the email address you used to register your account. Click the link in this email to verify your account.
3. This link will bring you back to Foireann where you fill in the remaining details to your account.
Follow the link below for an instructional video on how to sign up.
All players must complete their own registration in Foireann by 31st March to be eligible for injury support during the year so we are asking players to set this up ASAP.
St Conlon’s Fundraiser
As part of their fundraiser for St Conlon’s Nursing Home, the Healthy Club Walking Group have now also added in a performance of the Jerusalema challenge. The group is made up of Nenagh Eire Og, Toomevara, Kilruane MacDonaghs and Kiladangan members.
A Gofundme page has been set up for anyone who would like to support this worthy cause. Links to the Gofundme page and to the video of the dance are below. You can also donate by contacting Bartley Ryan at 086 735 8359 or any member of the group.
We extend our sympathies to the families of the late Paddy Kelly, the late Tom McLoughney and to the Kiladangan and Kilruane clubs on the recent passing of these two men who were both presidents of their clubs.
Membership NÉÓ Camogie 2021
Membership for 2021 is now due and can be paid at the following link:
We are asking all our players, mentors & supporters to please pay their membership in the coming weeks – now more than ever your support is needed. #ÉireÓgAbú
The Juvenile club are reminding all our parents and supporters that the Club lotto is back up and running this Monday night, 8th March and are asking your support please. With future development plans for the club dependant on our existing fundraising, it is now more important than ever that our lotto is supported to enable developments such as the hurling wall and new field to materialise. These facilities will be of immense benefit to our young stars who are the future of the club.
Juvenile club membership is now due and can be paid either via Clubforce or to any committee member. All families are asked to complete registration with before 31st March 2021 and details of how to complete this process have been shared via the various juvenile WhatsApp groups. Your co operation in getting these registrations complete before 31st March 2021 is greatly appreciated.
Catherine McTiernan is moving on from her role as Juvenile Club Secretary. Everyone involved with the Nenagh Eire Og juvenile club wish to thank Catherine sincerely for all of her hard work and dedication during her time in the role. Catherine was a tremendous asset to the Juvenile club and we wish her the very best of luck and every success in her role as Senior club Secretary. Catherine will no doubt bring significant benefit and experience to the senior club. To acknowledge Catherine’s dedication and tremendous work in the juvenile club Catherine received a memento which was recently presented to her by juvenile club Chairman Liam Heffernan and Senior Club chairman John Tooher.

We are delighted to announce that our lotto will resume next Monday, 8th March with a starting jackpot of €4,100. With restrictions still in place, we are asking our members and supporters to make every effort to play our lotto online. It costs just 2 per week to play safely online and there are different payment plans available. Please choose the ‘auto-renew’ option and also help family members who may not have an online presence to join. The link to join is on the Home page of the club website so please sign up now and you will be included when the lotto resumes next week. The lotto has always been one of our main fundraisers and as we are applying for grants etc for our upcoming developments, we need to prove that our existing fundraising is adequate in the current Covid climate to be considered for these grants. For this reason it is of vital importance to us now that everyone continues to row in behind our lotto.
Future Club Developments
A special Committee meeting was held via zoom last week where the plans for the future developments of the facilities in MacDonagh Park were outlined. These developments will be completed in stages over a number of years and will hopefully begin in the next couple of months with the building of a new hurling wall adjacent to the existing outside field. The plan will continue on with the development of a new playing field on the land purchased in the last couple of years. This area of the grounds will be further developed to include secure fencing, dressing rooms, floodlights and a walkway which will go around the entire site. To finish off it is hoped to upgrade our existing complex and carpark. To be able to complete such an ambitious plan will obviously require huge funds and while we are hoping funding will be available through various grants and schemes including the Capital Sports grant and the Tax exemption scheme, a large portion of the finance will have to come through fundraising. To facilitate this a fundraising committee has been set up with representatives from all aspects of the club and as restrictions begin to lift over the coming months this group will start putting plans in place for a number of fundraising projects. It is important that this fundraising is well supported in order to bring this major project to fruition.

A reminder to all our players, mentors and supporters that membership for 2021 is now due and can be paid online via the link on the club website. This can also be paid by contacting Club Registrar Enda Long at 087 2213954 or any Club Officer. Membership rates remain the same for 2021 with Full membership at €50 and €30 for Student/OAP/Unemployed. Juvenile membership is also €30 and Family options are available. Players are reminded that to be covered by the Player Injury scheme their membership MUST be paid by 31st March.
Healthy Club Sponsored Walks:
The Healthy Club walking group are doing sponsored walks over the coming weeks in support of the residents and community of St Conlon’s Nursing Home in Nenagh. These walks will be done individually by the members and the group are looking for sponsorship for each kilometre walked – €5 for 5km, €10 for 10km etc. If you would like to support this worthy cause please contact Bartley Ryan at 086 735 8359 or any of our walkers to contribute.
Community response
Thanks to all our volunteers who are helping out with our Level 5 Community response and thanks to Bartley Ryan for coordinating this. A reminder that if any member of our community requires support during these difficult times please contact our Community Covid Officer, Bartley Ryan, on 086 735 8359 and a member of our club will be only too delighted to come to your assistance.
Similarly, if any member of our club wants to volunteer to help out please contact Bartley and your name will be added to our response team.
Membership NÉÓ Camogie 2021
Membership for 2021 is now due and can be paid at the following link:
We are asking all our players, mentors & supporters to please pay their membership in the coming weeks – now more than ever your support is needed. #ÉireÓgAbú