Membership for 2025 is now due.

Click here to pay or here to find out more.

Our Generous Sponsors


Éire Óg are very grateful to Specsavers Nenagh who are the club sponsor. And, Éire Óg encourages all members to support the business activities of our club sponsor whenever possible and practical. Specsavers is located at 5 Quintin’s Way, Pearse Street, Nenagh.

Phone: 067 37280.

Visit their website

Rody Boland’s, Rathmines

The Éire Óg Club are very grateful to Rody Boland’s, Rathmines, who this year took on Sponsorship of our Senior Hurling Team. A great spot to stop in when in Dublin, especially on days when Tipperary are playing in Croke Park.

Rody Bolands is owned by Nenagh man Kieran O’Meara and his son Brian. Kieran played underage with Eire Og Nenagh, before moving to Dublin. He is also one of the founding members of the Tipperary Supporters Club, and was Chairman when Tipperary won All Irelands in 1989 and 1991.

Rody Boland’s is located at 12-14 Upper Rathmines Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6.

Phone: 01-4970328.

Andy’s Bar

Éire Óg are very grateful to Andy’s Bar who are the club sponsor. And, Éire Óg encourages all members to support the business activities of our club sponsor whenever possible and practical. Andy’s Bar B&B and Restaurant is located at 23 Sarsfield Street, Nenagh.

Phone: 067 32494.

Proprietor: Joe Mulqueen (086 234 4312).


© Nenagh Éire Óg