The Nenagh Éire Óg Healthy Club Project Team will host a health and wellbeing seminar at the Abbey Court Hotel on Wednesday, November 19th.
How are you on positive thinking, self-esteem and self-confidence? How are your relationships? Would you like to be able to relate better to others?
The Nenagh Éire Óg Healthy Club Project Team are inviting you to another interesting night on health and wellbeing in the Abbey Court Hotel on Wednesday, November 19th at 7.30pm. This is a gathering not to be missed.
‘Harnessing strengths during challenging times’ is a presentation which will be given by Shane Martin (Reg.Psychol.Ps.S.I.). Shane is a psychologist dedicated to teaching the very best self-help psychology to empower people to enhance the quality of their lives. Shane has been a keynote speaker at numerous national and international conferences on a range of topics around empowerment recovery and happiness.
It is with sadness that we inform you that the death of Fr Tony Butler SMA took place on October 16th at Cork University Hospital.
Many of you will remember Tony and his meeting with us in the Abbey Court Hotel on June 6th last as part of our health and wellbeing initiative. It was a night to remember where Tony willingly shared his many stories and the ups and downs of life.
Fr Tony was a gentle humble Irish Missionary who shared his life with so many in Africa and helped them to find hope and to see life with a different lens. He came back home to Cork and for the past number of years he continued his ministry of giving hope and meaning to so many people.
We in the Healthy Club Project Team remember Fr Tony with affection and gratitude for giving so generously of his time to us. Indeed we had spoken to him of giving more time to our project but God called him home.
On behalf of all of us in the Nenagh Éire Óg Healthy Club Project Team and all of you who were fortunate to receive his wisdom and his insight we extend our heartfelt sympathy to Fr Tony’s brother Don, his sister-in-law, nieces, nephew, relatives, friends and his fellow priests in the Society of African Missions.
Ar dheas Dé go raibh a anam.
The Nenagh Éire Óg Club Lotto represents the club’s key fundraising initiative.
Please consider supporting the Blues by playing our club lotto online: click here!
Just watch how far we can stretch your €2!
Alternatively you can also support Nenagh Éire Óg by paying your club membership. Membership for 2014 is now due and can be paid to any club officer or online. The cost of membership is priced at €25.
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