This Sunday’s annual Toyota and Ivers and Cullinan sponsored 10k and 5k fun runs take place in MacDonagh Park and this year’s event sees the HSE and numerous other local organisations provide information stands for the entire community
Our annual 10k and 5k run begins this Sunday morning at 10:30am and this year’s event offers something for the entire community.
The HSE have come on-board and will be, along with other community groups, erecting numerous information stands in the complex. Among those who will be in attendance are:
- Occupational Therapy
- Health Promotion Stand
- Health Screening
- COPD Support Group Nenagh
- Diabetes Screening – blood sugars
- Dietetics BMI General Advice
- Public Health Nursing, incl
- Blood Pressure, Health Heart
- Silver Arch Family Support
- Headway – Brain Injury / Stroke
- Connecting for Life / Little Things Campaign
- North Tipperary Mental Health Service
- Social Inclusion (Drug & Alcohol Service, Homeless, Traveller Health)
- Home Support
- Older Person Services Residential Units
- Alzheimer’s Group
- Memory Café
- Parkinsons Association Nenagh
- MS Society
- North Tipperary Development Company
- Chime Mid-West (Deaf Hear)
- Audiology
- Gardaí
- Burgess Junior Parkrun
It is important to stress that this event is open to everyone and not restricted to members of Nenagh Éire Óg or the GAA. Entry to the exhibitions is free while the the run will cost €15 for the 10km run, €10 for the 5km run and €5 for the walk.
We look forward to seeing a huge crowd in MacDonagh Park on Sunday from both the club and wider community.