The 2013 Nenagh Éire Óg Sports Prediction Quiz has now just been launched. This year we have twenty-five sporting events to predict with 50% of all entry fees as prize money up for grabs.
Similar to last year entrants must predict the winner of various sporting events throughout the course of 2013 and the quiz will continue until late into the year. The cost of entry is still just €10 and the closing date for this year’s competition is February 1st 2013.
To enter, simply guess who you think the winner of each of the twenty-five sporting events outlined will be this year and return the form to any club officer or member of the organising committee by February 1st along with the entry fee of €10. Email entries can be emailed to eireognenagh@gmail.com provided the entry fee has been paid by February 1st.
A leader board will be circulated via email at the end of each month and will also be maintained on the club website.
Any questions please contact Brian McDonnell, Paul Lillis or Mark Long.
Best of luck!!!
The following are the results of the 2012 Sports Prediction Quiz – thanks to everyone who supported the club in this venture last year. The prizes will be given out at the up-coming club presentation event and the winners were: 1st Noel Coffey €250, 2nd Tom Seymour €200, 3rd Brian McDonnell €140, 4th Morgan Mooney €30, 5th Willie Bolger €30.
If you need to contact Éire Óg please do so via our Contact page. You can also keep in touch by accessing our Facebook page or by following @nenagheireog on Twitter. We would also ask you to consider supporting Éire Óg by entering the club lotto and by paying your club membership.